Saturday, November 24, 2012

Cicak Racing Rig 2012

Today , I sold my Logitech MOMO and got myself a Logitech G27 . It was a worth upgrade. 900 Degrees of Rotation + H - Shifter + Clutch pedals, What else u need for a better racing experience.

Logitech G27
However after 2 years of intensive racing , My G27's Shifter is no longer responsive and needed to get a replacement shifter . I aimed for the Thrustmaster TH8 RS but it took me 6 month to find it as it was low in stock in Malaysia.

Thrustmaster TH8 RS
The new shifter was much better then the Stock G27 Shifter. It have a better feel and have 8 gears , 2 more then the G27. It fit nicely to my racing rig.

Awesome !

Another fancy add-on I did on my rig recently was a smartphone rev-meter. You can use a smartphone to display useful information from your car such as RPM and Gear indicator.


Here's some video of my recent rig.

Cicak Sim Racing History ( Part 2 )

At the age around 16 , I finally got a wheel to replace my old damaged wheel. The Logitech MOMO form Logitech,

Logitech MOMO

I was not a perfect wheel but It does its job and was better then my old wheel in terms of Force Feedback.Here's some video of me trying out the wheel . Around this time also I was introduced to a new franchise of Racing Games from Codemasters , F1 2010 and Dirt. 

Cicak Sim Racing History. ( Part 1 )

Hi , taking a break from STPM currently and wish to write on my history of Racing Games . I was fascinated by cars since a young age until now and was playing racing video games since I was 3. Here's my history on Racing Games.

1) Early Years . ( 3-5 years old )

During these times , I was obsessed with toy cars , Hot Wheels to be precise . One day , my dad installed a game called ''Screamer'' which is my 1st Racing and Video Game. I was hooked to this game and whole play it almost everyday.

Awesome Game

2) Wheel Era ( 5-10 years old )

Around 5 years old , my dad brought me a Racing Wheel as my Birthday present. I was so happy at that time. It was so different compared to the keyboard in terms of responds and enjoyment. It was so much better playing a Racing Game with a wheel. However , It tool me some time for me to get used to the wheel as its Force Feedback was too hard for me to handle that time. Around that time I was also introduced to the Need For Speed series for EA Games. My 1st NFS game was Need For Speed 2. 

My 1st Wheel
 3) Gamepad Era (10 -15 years old )

My wheel broke down when I was around 10 and was so sad. However , I got a gamepad ( Generic ones )
as a replacement for my wheel . It was not as fun as a Wheel but it was so much better.

At the age of 14 , I got a Xbox 360 controller to replace my generic gamepad. My god,  it was so much better then the generic gamepad. Analog triggers on the 360 controller allowed me to have progressive throttle and braking, no longer needed to tap the acceleration button repeatedly to do minor movements.

Best in it's class

Continue in Part 2

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Nerf VS Paintball !

After playing both sports , I decided to make a small comparison between them and state their pro and cons.
Let's start with paintball.

Pros :

1) Long Range Combat
2) Adrenaline Rush
3) Better Stress/ Fear Factor (  More risk , getting hit is painful )
4) Can apply Military Tactics ( Suppressing Fire / Flanking )
5) Better Simulation of a real war scenario
6) Will give you a good workout.

Cons :

1) Physical Demanding ( Paintball Gear is heavy and tiring to move around )
2) Painful ( Will leave scars )
3) Expensive ( Basic complete gear is around RM700 / rental around RM50 per game )
4) Cannot reuse ammo ( Paintball destroyed on impact )
5) More hardcore , not everyone will have the bravery to play paintball.
6) Limited place to play . ( cannot play in public places , only in special arenas )

Now let's compared it to Nerf


1) Cheap. ( Complete set can be acquired around RM100 )
2) Safe. ( Ammo is foam so it will not hurt )
3) More casual ( Family and friends can join the fun no matter the age or gender )
4) Reusable ammo ( Spent ammo can be easily reused )
5) Many places to play ( can play almost everywhere )
6) Light weight gears

Cons :

1) Low Stress / Fear Factor ( No pain / low risk )
2) Low Adrenaline Rush . (  Low Stress / Fear Factor )
3) Close range combat ( Blaster average range is around 20 feet )

In conclusion , both sports are fun and exciting . I enjoyed both sports as a result.

I prefer paintball for a more serious game and Nerf for a more relaxing and fun game with the family. 

Nerf Dart Tag Tourney =D

Hi , around last month I joined a Nerf Dart Tag competition . The reason I join this is to experience playing Nerf competitively. I went there as a lone ranger and was paired with other lone rangers. We formed a team of four and we called ourselves EIR . 

Team EIR

We played in a group stage 1st before going to the knockout stage. The rules of the game is easy, score is being counted by capturing enemy flag and number of  ''tagged'' opponents ( which means killed in other words ). My team dominate the 1st 2 group games with me capturing their flag and tagging most of our foes . However in our 3rd and last game , our opponents are tough . They have strong defense on their flag and it was hard to tag them as their are agile and skills. We lost that round.

However, we managed to score enough points and move on to the semi finals. We fought hard to try to reach to the finals but was unable to do so as our semi final opponent is proven too hard for us to fight and we ended up at 3rd place. It was a great result based on the fact my team was formed on that day it self and we never meet each other before. We manage to formed a good chemistry and teamwork to reach the semi finals and eventually 3rd place.

The Group Picture of The Finalist and 3rd Place
So, your wondering what type of blaster was provided ? They supplied us with 5 blasters.

1) The Sharpshot
2) The Swarmfire
3) The Speedload 6
4) The Speedswarm
5) The Snapfire 8 

 The Blasters provided , The most bottom one which is the Quick 16 is not provided and it was just a demo.
In conclusion , Nerf Dart Tag is a fun sport and offer a new view on Nerf Blasters which is always being portrayed as a kid's toy.

Lastly , this tournament is also being covered in The Star Newspaper .


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Expendable Wednesday

Expendables 2 

      Watched Expendables 2 with Stephanie , Dipan , Karthik and their friends today . It was a enjoyable show only if u shut down your mind about the poor and generic story. This movie is all about the action scenes and awesomeness of the olden day stars ( Chuck Norris ! ). It is better then Expendables 1 as it have move action , better flow , and somewhat better story.

     The best part of the movie is when Chuck Norris ( Booker ) came on screen and Arnold's ''I'M BACK'' line. This movie have many one liners which is quite funny. In conclusion I gave this movie a 7/10 as it is an awesome action packed movie. Expendables 3 anyone ?


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Counter Strike : GO Tuesday !

My Cousin got it from CK Multimedia for RM49 just now. Surprised it is this cheap , I was estimating for a usual RM100+ for a original games. Well , 4 more hours to unlock the game on steam . GO GO GO !

Monday Fan !

New Wall Fan
Finally mounted a wall fan to help circulate my study and computer area.

Nerf Sunday ?

Nerf Alpha Trooper
     I got hold of this Nerf-Alpha Trooper from Sunway Pyramid for RM80 , quite tempted to get a 2nd nerf gun for a long time due to it's ability to annoy people . With this 18 dart capacity plus a rapid fire ''Slam Fire''
mode, I'm sure it will do much better then my old maverick .

Speaking about my maverick , I did a penny mod to it to increase it spring compression to add a little bit of power.
Old Trusty Maverick.

Paintball Saturday !

   Last saturday I went to a paintball session with Sam Khoo and his friends. I've been there 2 times and this will be my 3rd time but this time i bought along a balaclava for extra head protection since headshots are extremely painful as the mask provided did not cover the upper head area.
It is proven useful as I was hit in the head one time and the pain was minimal. The pain did leave a mark on my head as the bullet bounced off instead of exploding.
My painter jammed twice in the game, which result in easy kills by the enemy as I was busy cocking my gun.

           The best moment of the session is when I do a suicidal charge to the opponent's base and take out one guy by surprise. However in order to make that kill , I end up in a completely open position and was quickly taken out by others enemies.

          As always , the vest provided did not do much to protect my body as I was hit only once in the head and others below my waist area ( Orange stain in the picture indicate paintball hits ) .

             In conclusion , It was a wonderful experience and will definitely play paintball agian !

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Old Video Collection.

Well , After all this years I finally upload these videos to Youtube. Miss all the memories =)

Finally, a compilation of video with a emotional and sad tune =).